At SlurryMonster we've solved the problem of proper slurry removal. One call to SlurryMonster and we'll deliver a complete and efficient kit to handle jobs of any size. Not only that, the result of using a SlurryMonster kit is compliant waste, ready for proper disposal.

At SlurryMonster we've solved the problem of proper slurry removal. One call to SlurryMonster and we'll deliver a complete and efficient kit to handle jobs of any size. Not only that, the result of using a SlurryMonster kit is compliant waste, ready for proper disposal.

Dumpster Kits
Need a kit to help keep messes off the ground and out of the waterways, while also helping to dewater slurry at a workable pace? Our Dumpster Kits are your solution. Comes with:
- WasteShield
- Track Mats
- Stabilizer Mat
- Protection Mat
- Dumpster Filter
- Collapsible Spill Tray
- Drainet
- Polysheeting
- WasteShield Tape
- Comes in 20YD, 30YD or 40YD Kits
- Dumpster - for rental only
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